Wednesday 17 June 2009

Misty...our owner

....................................I is doing the laundry, mum.!!!!................................................

This is the very beautiful Misty, she owns us and we are very lucky to be owned by her.
My youngest Callum, brought her home when he was about 4ish (none of us can remember exactly, due to the fact we never thought she would stay).

Misty arrived as a feral cat, hissing and spitting at every thing and every one, I still bear the scars from her. Anyway she stayed with us and is like me getting old now.

Misty has become much more friendly with age, but has never been a lap cat, in all the years we have shared our home with her she has never sat on my lap once.
The only person who can do absolutely any thing with her is my Callum, they adore each other.
Misty is not allowed to sit on the furniture, unless her blanket is down, but some times she is cheeky, like in the above photo.

Oh and so you all know, that isn't my washing on the sofa, I was doing a neighbours, whose machine had broken down, I hope no one is allergic to cats in the neighbours house, tee hee!!!!!!

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