Wednesday 13 May 2009

Lost In Translation!

Oh my god!

It drives me mad! Please, please can people put a translator button on their blogs.

There are some amazing people out there in the World, however I don't speak every language in the World and when I come across what looks like an interesting person's blog it drives me mad that I am often unable to read the blog, because of a language barrier.

I am a total newbie to the computer and blogging, however I did manage to incorporate a translator into my blog, so I really do know it's not so hard.

I'd really love to be able to read more blogs and find interesting people's, so if you do have a blog or you are reading mine through the translator and you don't have one on yours, please please put one on yours and tell your family and friends to put one on theirs.

I got mine from babelfish and it couldn't have been easier. Go on people have a go, if I can do it, so can you. Plus it's a totally free service.

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